Nomong-ngomong masalah structure pasti mikirnya langsung bosen.. iya… tapi coba deh baca dikit..siapa tau bisa nambah ilmu



Perhatikan plural n singular Dari subject yang nantinya akan dikikuti oleh bentuk verb
Jika singular –(verbnya +s, is,was,has)
Plural ( were,have)



In,at,to,by,on,for,behind,about,from,since,with dsb + NOUN
Ex: For Me,this is easy
Kalo preposition + Verb ( rubah verb jdi adjective) disebut GERUND
Ex : she is afraid of (swimming)

Kalau preposisi diletakkan di depan maka itu tidal termasuk subject, ingatt
Ex : (to Michael )the show was not interesting
OOP.              S.         V


3. PRESENT PARTICIPLE ( ing). ACTIVE –> S melakukan action.
– sebagai adjective (ing)
– sebagai bagian dari verb ( present continuous tense )

Ex: the train is arriving at the station now
S.           V (p.cont.tense)
The train arriving now is an hour late
S.           Adj.          V


4. PAST PARTICIPLE (V3) PASSIVE –> S menerima action
– sebagai adjective (ing)
– sebagai bagian dari verb ( present continuous tense )

Ex: the mailman has left a letter in the mailbox
S.          V (v3)
The mail left by the mailman was for me
S.        Adj                      V


5. Coordinate connector

Biasanya terdiri Dari 2   lebih kalimat yg dihubungkan dgn kalimat penghubung
And ; but; or ; so Dan , koma

The lawn needs water every day , or it will turn brown
S.      V.                              Cc. S.       V

The material has been cut, and the pieces have been sewn together


6. Adverb clause connector ( kata keconnector Basicnnya 2 clause dan connector)

Time after,as,before
Ex:  he is tired because he has been working so hard
S.   V.          AdvC.    S.    V

Because he has been working so hard , he is tired

7.  Noun clause connector

Why; what; when;
Whether (if), if
Ex : it is unfortunate that the meal is not ready yet
S.  V.                  Nc.         S.    V


8. Noun clause connector / Subject

Connectors : Who ;what ;which
Ex : I know what happened yesterday
S V.  ( S.       V.   )
Noun clause as obj of verb
We are thinking about what happened yesterday
S.   V.              (         S.      V.  )
Noun clouse as obj of preposition about


9. Adjective ( k sifàt) clause connector

Whom.                 Which.             That
(For people).         (For things).      ( for people n things)

I like the dress    that you are wearing
S.  V.                 (   con.   S.  V)
Adjective clause

The dress  [ that you are wearing  ] is beautiful
S.         S.   V.                 V
(      adjective clause.  )



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